Seatrade welcomes the CEO of the Port of São Francisco do Sul

Seatrade welcomes the CEO of the Port of São Francisco do Sul

On August 19, Seatrade Serviços Portuários e Logísticos Ltda. welcomed, with great satisfaction, the new CEO of the Port of São Francisco do Sul – Scpar/SFS, Dr. Cleverton Elias Vieira, accompanied by the engineer of the Port, Mr. Oscar Schimdt. The initiative aimed to bring together the administration and operators of the Port and the community.

During the visit, the new CEO had the opportunity to get to know Seatrade’s administrative structure and listen to the demands and suggestions for improving the services provided by the Port of São Francisco do Sul.

The new CEO also took the opportunity to clarify his intentions for the new administration. According to Dr. Cleverton Elias Vieira, although the Government of the State of Santa Catarina is carrying out studies for the privatization of the port asset, investments will continue to be made normally as scheduled, without any change or suspension in the investment schedule.

This information is relevant and brings good prospects regarding the continuation of investments for future improvements of the port asset.

Given the great challenges that the port administration has recently faced, the new administrator is expected to bring, with his experience and know-how in the area, equality and transparency to public management.

Certainly, this politics of continuity and maintenance of investments will ensure the growth of the Port of São Francisco do Sul in the coming years.

Seatrade takes this opportunity to wish Dr. Cleverton Elias Vieira success and all the best in managing our port.

August 8 – Happy Father’s Day

August 8 – Happy Father’s Day

Who has had a father figure present knows the difference that it makes having a guide, a reflex to follow, a person you can trust, admire, and follow in his steps. That is a great responsibility for a father! And, at the same time, one of the most beautiful responsibilities one can have.

Happy Father’s Day