Our story
Browse our timeline by clicking on the arrows on the right and left to follow Seatrade’s success story.
Seatrade Foundation, acts as a shipping agent and entity stevedorer;
Wood boarding
SEATRADE serves the 1st ship that represents the new cycle of embarkation of reforested wood, because until then the port had the characteristic of embedding native wood.
Became Port Operator
With the advent of LEI 8.630/93, it became a Port Operator, Pre Qualified by the Port of São Francisco do Sul Administration;
Container Operation
Started operating FULLCNTRS ships owned by IVARAN LINES. Other shipowners followed, such as Hamburg Sud / Aliança in the same year, followed by Evergreen and MSC from 1998. SEATRADE's CNTRS operations lasted as long as the port handled this cargo mode until 2012.
Babitonga Terminal Management
In September 2004, the company acquired shares and management control of the Babitonga Terminal, which subsequently changed its name to TESC, where it fostered the triplication of the size of the terminal that at the beginning had only one cradle and today has 3 cradles of mooring.
Expansion of the number of cribs
With TESC's investments in expanding the number of berths, investments by the port authority in the reform and improvement of berths and draft conditions, SEATRADE started investing in a retro port terminal (Logimodal) for handling bulk cargo and fertilizers, increasing in more than 100% the static capacity of the Port of the Port of São Francisco do Sul for handling this type of merchandise.
Logimodal Development
- Opening of the Logimodal project, warehouses with static capacity for 80 thousand tons;
- Seatrade signs an Agency and Port Operation contract with the owner G2 Ocean.
- Seatrade signs an Agency and Port Operation contract with the owner G2 Ocean.
Expansion of the Logimodal Terminal
The company decides to expand its investments in the retro-area and Logimodal starts building more warehouses to increase its static capacity from 80 thousand tons to 180 thousand tons;
Seatrade is crowned with ISO 9001/15 - ISO14001 / 15 - ISO45001 / 18
Paranaguá Port
Entrance of the Paranaguá Branch.